Tag Archives: Humor

Ate Too Many Moonshine Cherries…

I ate too many moonshine cherries and had the brilliant idea to join twitter. So check it out if you wanna. I think I’m the only WombatZombie there but here’s a link just in case.

Woot. Well that’s done now.

Guess I can move on with my life.


Well this is awkward now.

It’s like that feeling you get after you wake up from a one night stand and can’t remember the name of the person beside you. Or where you are. Or where your clothes are.

Yeah. I’ll just go now.

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Well Now This is a Coincidence Isn’t It?

Yesterday I wrote a post about the end of a long-term relationship I had with Jose. A fellow blogger named Andrew was nice enough to comment on it and said, ” Yeah. Tequila and Moonshine, are two things you never want to have an “off” contest with.” I wrote back and said blah blah I tried moonshine once blah blah. I don’t know exactly, go read the comments on Me and Jose Broke Up if you really wanna know. Anyway the important thing is that it was a weirdly timed comment given what happened today, so here it is.

Today I went home to Mississippi to visit my parents. I was sitting on the couch browsing the interwebz when my dad walks up and hands me a mason jar with this bright red liquid inside and what appeared to be cherries floating in it. I was like “What is this?”

My dad told me it was pig eyeballs.

My dad has a strange sense of humor.

See, he had been working in North Carolina, out in the middle of nowhere, and one of the fine Carolina gentlemen he was working with had given him this mason jar as a going away present, since he was coming home.

He opened the jar up and told me to smell it, which I did. I said “is that whiskey?” My interest had suddenly perked up with the delicious smell.

My dad says, “Try it.” So I did.

First it tasted a little bit like Jager, then it started burning and my mouth got all tingly.

I’d had this experience before. It was cherry flavored moonshine my friends. The last time I had moonshine it was supposedly banana flavored but if it was I couldn’t taste it. This time, the moonshine actually tasted a bit like cherry. The taste was fairly pleasant before the burning started, but even the burn wasn’t as bad as last time. All around I’d give this cherry flavored moonshine an A+.

I managed to get another sip before my mom came in the room and made some remark to my dad about not supporting my alcoholism and took the jar away. I’m not worried about that though. They will be asleep in a few hours and I will go try to dig one of those cherries out to eat and get drunk on. There is also a bottle of Crown Royal I noticed and it has been calling my name.

I couldn’t help but think about how ironic it was that just yesterday someone mentioned moonshine and today I have some. Even here in Mississippi you gotta know the right people to get your hands on some of this stuff.

Maybe Andrew is a physic or something and saw moonshine in my future. I don’t know if he is or not but thank you very much Andrew for giving me a pretty interesting story to tell today. Click on the link at the beginning of this post to check out Andrew’s very funny blog. His last post was a great one about drinking games he made up and it is hilarious. Or just click here because I want to make things easy for ya’ll today.

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