Tag Archives: Vegan

Hey, guess what? You’re not special.

I’ve never agreed more with anything in my life. This post by sixfootstupid is sweeeeeet.


Let me preface this by saying that I am generally a pretty passive person. I don’t get involved in other peoples’ personal bullshit, and I prefer they stay out of mine.

Having said that, there are a few people who, for reasons an intelligent person cannot readily identify, feel the need to shove their shitty beliefs down my throat. I’m not entirely sure why. Of all the types who are usually guilty of this, two of them stick out the most, although they could both technically be lumped into the “religious zealot” category: Christians, and motherfucking vegans.


So woopty-doo, you’re christian now. You found something you can cling to that gives you some sort of “meaning” in your otherwise pointless, mediocre lives. Congratu-fucking-lations. But guess what? You’re not special. Matter of fact, there have been christians since around 30 AD. Thirty. Fucking. AD.

Now this may come as a…

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